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What yoga pose will make this kid listen?
Embodied Education Thanks to a new study getting fabulous publicity, yoga is making its way into classrooms everywhere. At Mind Body Health Associates, we’ve long recognized the importance of bringing the body into the educational setting because of the way it is...
Trauma in the Classroom
“He just won’t sit still, always trying to escape to the bathroom or sharpening his pencil or something.” “She cannot keep her hands to herself!” “We caught him stealing again.” Thanks to ongoing training in many school systems - Findlay City Schools, to name one -...
Boundaries: From swaddling to schooling, they find comfort in consistency
Early in the parenting journey we experience just how important structure can be to a new baby: for some infants, the act of swaddling brings a visible relaxation response. Every family has its own lore about the baby who needed the snug safety of a car seat or would...
The Power of Paying Attention
From their very beginnings, our children demand, and warrant, a massive amount of attention. During the infant years, we’re paying attention to hourly shifts and changes so we can appropriately respond to their needs - does he need a new diaper? Is it feeding time...
Mindful Parenting Reading List
Our Mindful Parenting enrichment is based primarily off of two works, Parent Talk by Chick Moorman and Thomas Haller, and Everyday Blessings by Myla and Jon Kabat-Zinn. These provide the basic framework from which Holly Schweitzer Dunn, LISW, shares about...
Demanding Obedience vs. Building Respect
Previous generations often emphasized obedience in children as the ideal outcome of parenting. This arose from a hope that children would respond to a parent’s directives, as opposed to having a rebellious attitude. Ideally, however, at the heart of a child who...
“Marie Kondo” your behaviors, not just your closet
If you caught the Netflix miniseries Tidying Up, you’ve watched the ways in which she’s instructed families to sift through their belongings and release them back to the world when they no longer “spark joy.” In our office, we’ve discussed Marie’s wisdom and what it...
The 5 Senses Check-in: Spring addition
Make note of the color that is quickly changing across the landscape - greener grass, bright crocuses, and longer hours of daylight.Sniff out the earth’s work - even the smell of mud and earth carry with it a promise of something new.Listen for new hope - baby birds...
Spring Cleaning for your Mental Health
Once the seasons shift to allow the windows to open, we start to shed our inclinations to burrow much like a bear coming out from hibernation. As we stretch our legs into the springtime, take a moment to notice the natural energies that arise. Perhaps you recognize...
It’s [Too Easy] to Say I’m Sorry
It’s [Too Easy] to Say I’m SorryWhen it comes to family therapy and working with the dynamics of couples, one of the key elements of our work is cultivating a sense of connection through communication skills. Demonstrating an effort at empathy and concern can come...
Conversation hearts that read “QT Pie” can be adorable at the beginning of a relationship, but after 15+ years of marriage, messages that say “I went ahead and cleaned up the dog poop” actually go further to add vitality to a partnership. “We don't fall in love and...
Recipe: Golden Milk
You can find a few of us in the office starting the day with this delicious, nourishing, and warming start to the day. It has its roots as an Ayurvedic staple (Ayurveda is the sister-science to yoga, rich with ancient wisdom), but functional health experts tout its...